The Benefits of being Outdoors
Being outdoors provides countless opportunities to improve physical and mental wellbeing.
“Wild Tracks helped me out a lot as I felt like part of a team. It helped me make some new friends. I am also not as nervous to talk to a few teachers about my problems. It was good because I got to come out of school so I could concentrate when I got back and it helped me do better in lessons…” - AP (Year 9)
“Wild Tracks was fun and it was easier because I knew everyone in the group and I could talk about myself and listen to others…” DB (Year 8)
“As well as good staff and support, I feel more secure with my friendships…” EB (Year 9)
“During the Wild Tracks experience, the staff encouraged us to speak about our feelings comfortably and now I feel better talking to them and others about some of my issues…” CW (Year 10)
“I liked learning the practical skills, and even when I couldn’t do them at first I kept trying until I got it right. That made me feel really confident. I learned why perseverance is important…” DG (Year 11)
“Doing Wild Tracks made me think that school were giving me a chance to do something I was good at. It made me care about school a bit more because of that…” JG (Year 11)